A Project of The Daf Map

Lezecher Nishmas

Learning Mishnayos and saying Kadish on your behalf for the aliyah (elevation) of the neshama (soul) of your loved one.

Our Services Our Products

Memorial Candle


We will say the Yizkor prayers on your behalf in our Shul or Yeshiva for $65 per Holiday. Yizkor is recited on the following holidays: Yom Kippur, Shmini Atzeres, Pessach, and Shavuos.

To order any of our services or products, please contact us.

Sponsorships and Decications

This website is dedicated in memory of:

Naftali ben Yisrael, Masha bas Avraham, and Pinchas Kemuel ben Benyamin Yaakov. May their neshamos have an aliyah.